
A Proper Dicking Trailer


I gotta send some love to The Boner Guide for this one folks. Im shitty with who's who in the "industry" so I'm not as privy to who's fresh meat as I used to be, but I'm so thankful this dude was put on my radar. Long story short, The Boner Guide sent out a tweet saying that it would be so hot if me and Leo Rex did a scene together. I hop onto google, find Leo Rex's Twitter account, and I'm in lust, because he's dripping with ink AND has a British accent, so I'm already having serious FOMO. But the dude lives in the UK, and I can't afford that kind of trip, so I just tacked Leo to my fantasy list. And then, the universe decided it had to see us fuck because no more than two weeks later I was in San Fransisco visiting my buddy Nick, creeping on social media, when I saw that Leo just happened to be visiting the same city from the UK. So attention all viewers, tell me about your fantasy pairings and what you want to see, it gets me off getting you guys off, so send in them requests!

I'm So Fucked Trailer


Just a quick little PSA - If you injure your nuts, or think you may have injured your nuts, go to a doctor immediately! Which brings me to one of the reasons why I’ve been aloof. A week before I filmed this update, I  hopped into my jeep and sat on my nuts. I was so fucked up I didn’t realize I had gotten one of my nuts lodged into my body. It wasn’t until getting home that I noticed there was only one nugget in my sack, so I felt around and popped it back into place and kept on trucking. Coulda-shoulda-woulda gone to the doctors but didn’t. So for the past few months I’ve had to be almost celibate because of the excruciating pain during almost any sexual activity and then doctors’ orders. I did however discover that while my sack couldn’t endure topping, my hole could take a pounding, well, penetrated to say the least. And fortunately Leon Fox was up for the task to help break me back into the bottoming game. I had intended on just pounding out his sweet sweet hole and breeding his guts, but as you’ll see I had to tap out from topping real quick. And if I gotta start taking dicks, Leon’s dick is perfection in my book and he’s one of my spirit animals, so I was off to a good start. Also thank goodness for my porn DILF, Nick Moretti, for being there to help me keep my shit together…and to film all the hot sweaty man sex, because as you guys will see in the vid, I’m fuuuuucked up and so focused on that dick and in no condition to be responsible. Sorry for making you gents read so much, I just wanted to catch you up to speed, you can now take out your dicks and watch my hole get wrecked.

Jetlagged and High Trailer


Usually I hold off on posting extra footage until after the main update has come out, but this time around I felt it made sense to post this first. When I showed up at my buddies place in SF I hadn’t slept the night before so I had major jetlag. Well, what I thought was something was actually another, and then it felt like the building wouldn’t stop swaying for a good while. Eventually I came too and was horny as fuck, but my balls had still been killing me. So while we were waiting for my buddy, Nick, to come over and film us, Leon serviced and slopped all over my cock in his kitchen. I think one of my favorite things about Leon is his facial expressions when he’s around a naked man. Insatiable and lusting can only scratch the surface for his hunger for man parts.

Leftovers Trailer


A couple weeks back I was staying at my buddy Nick’s apartment in San Francisco for some down time and to take a break from home. Per usual, Mr. Moretti was directing/filming with models throughout my stay, so me being the thirsty otter I am wanted to get in on the action. I had met Blake on the last Atlantis cruise I was on, but there was just so much dick flying around we never got a chance to swap fluids. Long story short: Jack Dixon pounded him out in a scene the night before, Blake ended up staying the night at Nick’s, I love fucking worn/used manhole and I’m all about morning sex, so it was kind of perfect. And Blake uncontrollably pisses when he gets fucked, so that was a nice treat.

Behind The Smut: British Invasion


I found a decent amount of footage on my man’s phone from when we were fucking around with our buddies, Kai and Drew, when they were visiting from the U.K. in October of last year. I also figured posting this now was appropriate since I just met up with Drew again and was reminiscing about our first session. Me and the boys went back to my place after filming the original video at my buddy, Nick’s place, and just dropped trow in the backyard. It was was really fucking hot to watch my man go at it with them because he had to miss out on the fun at the main shoot. And of course when the loads started flowing I jumped into the action and had to add another load, it seemed like the polite thing to do.

Bottomless Brit Trailer


If you know Drew Dixon you know he’s an insatiable fisting bottom from the U.K. with a huge personality. And if you don’t know him you’re obviously about too. I could honestly just listen to him talk all day because I think he’s funny as shit, but he’s such a hot fucking lay too. Last time he was in town we didn’t get a chance for me to punch his guts around, so naturally I had to make that happen this time around. And if fisting isn’t your thing, skip around on the vid, and keep your eyes out for some really hot behind the scenes footage I found from our first update, coming up soon!

Sniffing Trailer


So last week I had my porn DILF (Nick Moretti) over because he was going to help me film a solo vid for the site. Well, you guys know me by now, a couple rounds and my clothes come off. I hopped onto the apps because I knew I wasn’t going to be satisfied with just jerking off…even though I do enjoy jerking off in front of my porn fantasy, but I needed an ass to fuck. To my great fortune, this muscle stud, Jaxx Thanatos, that I had filmed a gang bang with earlier in the week was on and looking. So I told Jaxx to come over and meet me in the backyard because we had guests staying with us in the house. I knew Jaxx had been doing porn for a year now so I told Nick to film everything and I would see if I could use any of the hookup for a video. Needless to say most of the footage was insanely hot, so here you go! Oh, and I couldn’t stop huffing his nuts and his pits, hence the name of this vid, he is probably one of the best smelling men I’ve encountered in a while. And yes, thats a challenge gents.

Behind the Smut: Shoot Crashers


Me and Jace were minding our own business, fucking the day away, when my man and his buddy showed up at the house. The buddy took his cock out the second he saw us going at it. I couldn’t include his face or some of the footage in the original update because I’m not about to blow up someones spot, but there was a lot of hot unused footage that I wanted to show you guys. Also I got two facials so that was pretty neat.

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